Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Get those hands in the air...

It's time to CELEBRATE!!!

Get those hands in the air,
let the wind blow your hair

The balloons are out
and it is time to shout

Algebra you say
well, everything is okay

Dad at school
well he is all done, isn't that cool
So our family is JOYFUL
it's great timing
It makes the season
all that much more exciting!
Great news:  We are so proud of Logan for his awesome accomplishments!  His most recent is a dual degree in Elementary Education and Special Education...
He has worked very hard for this degree and has continually worked a couple of jobs so that I can be a stay-at- home mom. WE LOVE YOU! Thanks for the many things you do for our family.. You are amazing!
Also celebrating:  My third time taking Math 1010, I finally passed!  Tears of joy spilled non stop for quite awhile.  (Libby even said "It isn't working to good for you, I've tried it."  She was referring to the mascara running down my face, while I was crying."  She definitely can make you laugh :) 
Math hasn't came to easy for me and the last two times taking this class have been very hard, but I did it.  I really need to say we did it, lots of tutoring was involved along with prayers.  I believe Dad was there cheering me on during my final as well.
I feel so blessed!
and a lesson learned...