Wednesday, April 9, 2014

an inside job

The Present

When we think of Sunshine days, and they end with rain... Then what??
That's how our day ended up yesterday..
I'm reminded that:

and that is up to you! and me!
So for disappointments, troubled days, dreams that get curves in them; We need to take a deep breath, exhale slow, and look for inner peace and happiness!
"Carry on" as my sister says  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Trees and Dreams

Well Hello, April where have you come from?  You have came so fast I'm not sure where the months little lone the days are going!  So I will embrace you while I have you....

Just like a tree grows in a storm, we also do to.  With trials and challenges that face us are roots grow stronger and helps us keep growing.  So we must keep on moving and building our DREAMS!

We all must keep building dreams!
that is what my Mom is doing.
Here she is awaiting to open her mission call.
Dallas, Texas it is!

Embraced with some of the grandchildren!

and the daughters!
I'm happy that my Mom keeps building dreams and inspiring me to do so to.  I (we) will miss her deeply and 2 years seems like an eternity, but time moves quickly, and so must we : ). 
The past couple of months have been so full, but fulfilling!
Grateful for today!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

EMBRACE the Trail your on

Don't ya just love a MESSY HAIR DAY!

Oh to EMBRACE and Dream....
I just love quotes inspiring messages things that lift me up and make me want to be better try a little harder or try something new.
Okay so I think the winter months are getting to me a tad bit but when I search out uplifting things it makes the winter blaaa's not so bad : )
So.. I feel so blessed that I ran into this blogger Kayla Lemmon @
Her father passed away from cancer in December 2013 and she writes so beautifully thoughts that I feel and things that she experienced being so similar to ours.
In her post titled The day I waked you Home: a letter to my dad.
I want to share what she wrote, it rings true to my heart...
During the walk home you taught me not to fear the trailhead coming up–the part of the walk home that splits the trail in two. The part where we would separate for a time. You told me it would come–and it was okay. Because you knew that if we kept walking, the two trails would join as one again.
I’m sad, Dad. I miss you so bad that sometimes I can’t breathe. And when I do, it hurts my lungs. I miss you so bad that sometimes I hear your voice and jump to a start in the middle of the night. I miss you so much that I get angry that we already came to the fork in the road–sometimes I get mad at God. Sometimes I get mad at myself that I didn’t hold you a second longer the last time you hugged me.
But then I remember, like I remember now. No one walks alone.
No, even though we came to that place in the walk where the trail splits in two–I still feel you guiding my feet. I still feel the same Savior that took you home and held me at the same time. I’m not alone.
I’m honored I was one of the people to share the walk with you, Dad.
You’re my hero.
And you will be until our trails meet up again somewhere on the horizon–and I’ll meet you there at home.
Her words are inspiring and I feel the same way about my Dad!  I miss him like crazy, I miss his voice and his jokes, his everything. 
Thanks Dad, I love you
and am 
Missing you..
Love Sandra

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Love is in the Air... Not just in February but Always!

Where oh where has the months gone bye??

They come and go before you even know it.
One thing is for sure
I do fill blessed!

We had a wonderful Christmas filled with many blessings!
A great New Years
January was here and left quickly
and here we are in February...
The month of hugs and kisses or as my Grandma Putt would write xoxo!
Logan and I got engaged Valentines Day 2001!
We also celebrate Olivia, and Danny's Birthday this month!
Time to celebrate!!

For the ones that don't particularly love this month, know that someone loves you and will always love you...

We as a family are also excited to celebrate Olivia's Baptism with her..
It's great to be 8!
Just ask her!
So with each month, I hope to continue to find wonderful adventures, time to love, and time to be still.  In this fast world we live in if we don't take a moment to sigh, sit back and reflect, we just might miss out on a opportunity to love or be loved... 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Get those hands in the air...

It's time to CELEBRATE!!!

Get those hands in the air,
let the wind blow your hair

The balloons are out
and it is time to shout

Algebra you say
well, everything is okay

Dad at school
well he is all done, isn't that cool
So our family is JOYFUL
it's great timing
It makes the season
all that much more exciting!
Great news:  We are so proud of Logan for his awesome accomplishments!  His most recent is a dual degree in Elementary Education and Special Education...
He has worked very hard for this degree and has continually worked a couple of jobs so that I can be a stay-at- home mom. WE LOVE YOU! Thanks for the many things you do for our family.. You are amazing!
Also celebrating:  My third time taking Math 1010, I finally passed!  Tears of joy spilled non stop for quite awhile.  (Libby even said "It isn't working to good for you, I've tried it."  She was referring to the mascara running down my face, while I was crying."  She definitely can make you laugh :) 
Math hasn't came to easy for me and the last two times taking this class have been very hard, but I did it.  I really need to say we did it, lots of tutoring was involved along with prayers.  I believe Dad was there cheering me on during my final as well.
I feel so blessed!
and a lesson learned...


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


So thankful for many things!
The list is pretty much endless and I feel blessed...
Libby loving mustaches!

Danny loving his Mohawk!

Maddi dancing in the rain!

Logan volunteering his time in the fire department! 

Zing having alone time!

Feeling young and vibrant!

Thankful for Dad!
Working together as a family, planting Grandpa's Tree!

Thankful for work, and Dad's Legacy!

Thankful for Mom!

and her stories of Mr. Jones the man that lives in the cave!

Thankful for nieces and nephews!
Thankful for a great sister and brother-in-law!

My core family!

and for this guy, I mean really how could I resist!
Thankful for good people (family and friends) in our lives, health, happiness, and life itself!
Thankful for kids!
Danny and I had a conversation a few weeks ago.  He asked if I knew why we had thick hands?  He then told me why, "you have thick hands because you'll provably fall down lots in life"! 

So I am thankful for thick hands : )

Thankful, and if you think about it the list really can be long if we think of all of the many blessings we have in our lives!
and I feel BLESSED!

Friday, November 8, 2013

naked Truth



Don't ya just love a good kiss, the naked truth a laugh and a smile!
Life is good!