Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Okay Logan is making me sleeping looking at him.  Have you ever been tired?  That could mean a few different things.  Like literally needing to rest your body, board, over worked, or tired of the same thing.  Funny how one word can mean a whole bunch of different things. 
We are plugging away at our day to day things.  Getting a little further ahead with school.  I'm counting down a couple more weeks and this semester will be over.  I have to say I am a little "TIRED" of MATH.  It's just not for me, but I'm so glad other's love it!
Kids are doing well, so excited for Christmas, and being able to be together.  I love that they like to be with us!!  It's fun to watch how much they change through a school year.  I love the things they say and how passionate they are about life.  They for sure teach me something new every single day.  So glad I get to be home with them.
I'm also thankful to the guy in the picture!  My life is so blessed to have him in it.  He lifts me up, gives me strength when I feel weak and inspires me to do better.  Thanks to him for filling in where I leave off.  He truly is the best!!  He works long days and still has time for each one of us when he comes home!!  I know he is "TIRED", but he carries on and I love him for it.  I'm so glad he is driven to accomplish great things!  He is amazing and I'm glad he is my best friend!  I love you Logan!!

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