Saturday, October 29, 2011

St. George

St. George Vacation:
Part One:
Danny playing with the animals!
Olivia playing with the marbles
Dad ready for a vacation
Danny loves playing with the magnets
Grandma Staheli working hard in the kitchen
Maddi enjoying the green grass and lovely weather
Grandpa Staheli
Our time went very quickly in St. George.  We got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Staheli. We played at their house, went on a nice walk at 10:00 pm, went to the park, then off to the water park, and the kids got to spend some more time with grandma and grandpa while we went on a date.  Logan bought me birthday tickets to Greese at Tuchan, so we had dinner and entertainment. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

a Closer look......

I can't believe it has been 12 days since I have last blogged.  Wow, where does the time go?  The last couple of weeks have flown by and so I needed to take a closer look to find out where they went!  Our vacation was fabulous, but went by extremely too fast!! ( more about that as soon as I can catch Logan to help me put the pictures on here.) We got home late Sunday night got all our stuff in the house. Monday got the kids off to school slept and hang out with Logan.  Tues, took Maddi to Logan to the Dr. she had ear infection in both ears. ( Don't put your ears in a hot tub..) Wed, went to Layton to meet up with a couple of girls from my communication class.  We have to do this project and have to have four meetings.  Thurs, Logan worked all day, and it took me all day to get our stuff unpacked and put away.  Friday did about 12 loads of laundry which took all day.  Saturday, Logan had to take the ACT which took 4 hours, then we played for awhile.  Then I took 5 quizzes for my health class.  One quiz takes about 1hr to 11/2 hours.  Sunday,  I went to a 10:30 meeting for young women's went to church, came home tried to find something to eat.  Then I took a final for my health class did some communications homework.  Feed the kids again tucked them in.......and then I took a breath and wondered what I needed to do to get prepared for this week.  Oh ya we don't have any groceries so today Monday, been to Evanston grocery shopped came home and made myself have time for a update on my blog. In all that stuff I said above, I didn't include all the daily tasks that need to be done and of course taking care of our most important treasure ever.. Our KIDS! 


Life can be busy, no make that crazy, unpredictable and adventures.  No busier than the rest of the world, but the days come and go so fast.  Some days you accomplish all that is on your list of to dos.  Other days you don't even get a chance to see the list.  That's how this past week has felt.  One of those weeks that you get your buckle on and on fast because you don't know where the ride is going to take you. 

Can't wait to share our trip pictures and especially with my new birthday camera.  ( thanks mom and dad) 

So I'm going to leave you with a thought for today.  When Maddi was 3 years old she said " I'm bored let's pretend we are in danger!"  So on those days when you and I can't find anything to do and life seems to be a bit boring let's remember Maddi's words of wisdom.......  Well I am off to do some English... Until next time.  soon I hope!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Can you belive it vacation time is HERE!

I'm not sure where the last 6 days have went but they have flown by.  Can you see it in Danny's eyes (EXCITEMENT) that's how all the kids looked this morning when I took them to school.  They are full of excitement to go to St. George.  They can not wait to be able to see grandparents and cousins.  They have been counting the days down for quite some time now.  Isn't vacations wonderful!! The anticipation of one coming, the actually being there, and then there is nothing like home sweet home...
It's nice to have a break in your routine and spice things up a bit.  So that's what we are going to do..  BE SPICY!!
We need like three weeks to fit everything in that we want to do, but I guess we should be grateful for what we do get.  Hoping for warm weather, and a safe trip!! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


1- Starting with these two.  Thanks for falling in love and giving me life!

2- Thanks to dad and mom for giving me a sister.

3- Thanks to Heavenly Father I found this man.

4- These two girls remind me to always have fun.

5- Danny reminds me to study more because he asks lots and lots of questions.

6- I love these three crazy kids sooo much.
7- I'm thankful for Logan's family and my family.
8- Life itself
9- Sunshine
10- Health
11- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
12- Friends
13- Exercise
14- Food
15- Starry Nights
16- The moon
17- Date Nights
18- Family Home Evenings
19-  Freedom
20- Riding in the Mountains
21- Crafts
22- Parties
23- Ranch Life
24- Service
25- Fresh Sheets on our bed
26- Backs Scratches
27- Painting my toenails
28- Having my faced tickled
29- Musicals
30- Music
31- Vacations
32-  A good nights rest!
33- Going on bike rides
34- Watching a good movie
35- Having a clean house
36- Watching our kids use their imaginations
37- Old cars trucks /motorcycles and the sound of a Harley
38- Cruises
39- Knowing I can be with Logan forever,( to infinite and beyond)

Today is my 39th birthday!


I'm thankful that I have had 39 years to discover, explore, to succeed and to fail, to find true joy and to feel true sorrow.  To be able to mold myself in ways I never knew I could, and to do things that I thought was impossible!  I'm grateful to have experiences and to have opportunities to grow.  I am grateful to be 39!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Water - Water - Water

Maddi loves the water!  I know you might not be able to tell by this picture but she really does!

Danny loves the water! He looks like he is posing for some magazine shoot!

Olivia loves the water too!  Did I mention they all love, love the water.  When I asked them the other day what their favorite thing to do was.  They said swim, play in the water, and swim......

They all find such adventure in the big ocean oops I mean reservoir.  You would think that we lived by lots of water, the way they talk about swimming and how fun it is..
Maddi testing out the water!

Now, I am not to sure that this is the proper way to snorkel?

and I'm not exactly sure what Olivia is doing here?

I mean really, dosen' t this look like so much fun!  Ellen and Emma were such good sports.  The kids wanted Dana and I to get in the boat.  I'm not to sure how that would have turned out for any of us.  I wish you could see the paddles.  They are blades off of my mom and dad's living room fan.  So funny, it cracked me up all day.  Quit ingenious though.

Olivia on top and Savannah on bottom. 
They did this for a very long time.  Up and down, and down and up...

What great memorise!  Don't forget old poochie.  He seems to be everywhere I am.  Do you think he likes me?

Sunday, October 2, 2011



Staheli kids


Danny came up with this picture idea!

7-9-31-5-38 Years old...

After 800 plus pictures over 2hrs this is what we look like.

My parents and their poochie.  Thanks dad for coming down, he is having a rough day.  Thanks, sure love you.

This is the photographer, such a patient gal!!...
Thanks super thanks!

Picture day can be so exhausting, not just the day of but the prep work too:),.

We all did it!
I love family pictures, at least having them done.  That is always great....  We always try to take a family photo at least once a year.  Thanks to my sister Dana for her time and patience,and her umbrella holder my mom. These pictures were taken around our house and some neighbors houses to.  Thanks to good ole Randolph for some great back grounds!