Friday, November 4, 2011


Provo Area
The colors are sooo beautiful!

This picture is taken out of one of our cabin windows at Brianhead.

We stopped in Beaver and got to see auntie Jen and uncle Barry.

Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon

Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons.  This is one of the reasons fall is, for it's COLORS.

Barry, Jennifer, Danny, Maddi and Olivia

This is one of my favorite fall pictures, Love it!!

Seasons come and Seasons go.  I so need to enjoy every season, some are just more enjoyable than others.  I found this in one of my books that I write quotes in and write down things that I like.  This came from a talk that someone gave at Time Out for Women in St. George in Nov 2009.

A lady had 3 hairs left
I'll braid my hair

2 hairs left
I'll wear two ponytails

1 hair left
I'll wear a pony tail

Woke up no hair left
O great I don't have to do my hair today

If only I could always be that positive and optimistic!

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