Monday, November 14, 2011

the weekend all wrapped up!

The weekend in a wrap.

This weekend flew by I mean were in the heck did it go.  It's gone!  It was a pretty great weekend.  The ones you get to lounge around and be together.  Not having to go anywhere or have to get this or that done.  Well minus my 6 page research paper, and that wasn't to bad a little editing help from my hubby and mom and got it turned in.  Yippee!!!!  My mom went wedding shopping with the Peart's Friday and Saturday so Logan and I got to hang out with my dad.  It was fun to be able to spend sometime with him before they head south.  It is getting so cold, icy, and stink in windy today that they are ready to head south.  They are going to wait until Clint and Maud's wedding in December before they leave.  The wedding shopping was pretty successful their dresses are adorable.  Maud's on the count down. 
The kids played outside a lot, they started the weekend off with raking the leaves and playing in them.  The next day they ended up playing in the snow, and the next they worked on the forts they built the day before.  We worked on Christmas gifts which involved painting and everyone probably knows how much kids LOVE to PAINT!  Well at least our kids do.  They thought that it was fantastic!  We watched movies ate treats and the kids didn't fight to much..  So all in all it was a fabulous weekend.  I love having Logan home and for the time being he doesn't have to work weekends.  YES!  So will enjoy that while it lasts.  Our kids are growing up and I love the season of life we are in.  I feel blessed to have a family and to be apart of watching our kids learn and grow.  They can say the funniest things a long with the sweetest things too. ( I will choose to leave out the fighting words :) With Thanksgiving drawing near it makes me ponder on my life and all the things I am grateful for.  We are so blessed to live in a great country.  I am so thankful for all of the men and women who have and do make that possible for me/us.  So here is a big hug and thanks!  I hope to get some more pictures on the computer real soon.  Fun things!!

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