Friday, February 24, 2012

Disneyland or Bust

And we are off!!!

I Love this picture of Logan I know I have already posted it but I thought it was so fitting for adventure, excitement and fun!!

A really fast post:

Life has been so crazy work, school and getting ready for a trip.  Our family has been a little crazy getting ready for this journey.  I've spent last week and this week trying to get all of my homework done for this upcoming week.  Who wants to do homework while your on vacation?  Not Me!
Adventure here we come!
We are excited to be able to see family and friends in St. George, also Danny will be getting baptized on the 3rd of March in St. George.  To go to Disneyland is a dream for the kids....  They have worked hard the last couple of months saving money and can't wait to get there.  Life is good and we are soo blessed!  I miss my blog and hope to get back to a regular posting.  Hope all of ours and your DREAMS COME TRUE!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Family Dinners and Turkeys ;)

Logan carving the turkey.  I hope it don't end up like Christmas Vacation!

It's fun when everyone pitches in and helps with dinner.

We are all excited for a yummy turkey dinner.

So the very best part of a family turkey dinner is this.... ready ..... Danny!!!!  He loves the turkey leg and gets so excited you would think it was Christmas morning.  It's not, just a great day for Danny. 

One of my favorite meals is after church on Sundays.  We sit down say a prayer and start passing food around when one of the kids will say what did you learn about in church.  If we forget one of them will remind us that we haven't asked them yet.  This past Sunday it was Olivia.  She says lets um you know do that thing that you guys always do after church.  I said what's that?  Mom you know, ask us what we've learned?  It always puts a smile on my face and never gets old.  I love our kids, and their Dad.  Meal time is defiantly a great opportunity to share and know what your kids think and what they have been learning. Throw in a turkey leg, and it makes for an AWESOME MEAL!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Life ST

Decision time
Great or Small
they are Decisions..

So I found this picture on the Internet and love it.  I can't help but think of a lot of things when I look at it.  First off: Free Agency, which is what Logan's Sunday school lesson was on at church.  During sacrament our kids took their free agency right up to the stand Maddi first of all when she was done Libby went all by herself to the stand and shared her testimony too.  (They don't get their bravery from me :)   Danny really wanted to but he was a little nervous to go up by himself.  So he asked his Dad to go up with him.  In our ward here they pass a microphone around so you don't have to leave your row.  So not to many people every go to the stand. The point is we are all able to make choices.  With our kids choices sometimes as parents it makes you get out of your comfort zone.  (Stretch a bit if you will) So while Dad was up at the stand he had a decision and he choose to share his testimony.  Whether it be great or small we as human beings are faced with decisions each and everyday.  Lots of them!   Thanks to our kids they help our testimonies continue to grow by sharing theirs and being able to be their mom and dad.  Today I chose a 3 1/2 hour nap.  Oh did I need that, I am so happy I got to do that!!!  So, no matter what DIRECTION we choose know that it's part of LIFE and that we are so blessed to get to make DECISIONS.  This last weekend felt like such a blur because of homework.  I have to tell myself that this to will pass and what a great blessing that I get to go to school.  I really want to look at life more like I get to do things instead of having too!

"The Lord does not ask about our ability,
nor our inability,
but only about our availability,
and if we prove our dependability,
the Lord will take care of our capabilities.

Friday, February 3, 2012


A conversation I had earlier this week with two friends brought to my attention the things we get to do, not have to do!  It made me realize how many things the Lord blesses us with in this training, we call life.  How grateful I am that I get to learn each day to work on improving and growing! Just like this picture above how the sun is setting we to at the end of the day can reflect on all the things we got to do in that day.  Gratitude for "What is"!