Thursday, September 27, 2012


I love how our kids can be so engaged in something.  When they are working together and not fighting it's MAGICAL!  I love how they help one another and how they share something exciting!  There is something that as a parent you truly find joy in the simple things that they do.  Each one of them bring such delight to us and we are so thankful to be their parents.  They are truly teaching us lots of things, and hope we our teaching them a few things too.  Today I'm thankful to be mom!  Thanks kids for all you do, for your patience, and for helping me, and most of all for being you.  I love you and so does Dad.  Air hugs and kisses ; )
Love Mom
Too infinitie and beyond.....

Monday, September 24, 2012

St. George friends

What a group of kids!

Hannah, Maddi

Cameron, Danny

Olivia, Regan

Quinn, Jami

Me, Jami
Missing our friends from the south.  We lived by each other for two years.  Interesting when we moved in to find out they had the same number of kids same sex and age.  Then Quinn came not to long before we all moved. (we didn't try to catch up ; )  It was fun to be in similar situations to be able to relate with each other.  The adventures of life are always funner with a friend!
Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
(Found this saying, it didn't have a name with it.)  

Saturday, September 22, 2012


This is our first year of playing soccer.  The kids think it's pretty fun and they sure can drink a bottle of Gatorade during a game. The weather has been beautiful and it's nice to be outside without mosquito's or to much smoke in the air (from all the fires).  Soccer goes from September to October, and they play at the park.  It's fun to watch the kids, and a good work out for them as well.  I'm kinda digging the fall.  If it could only last more than a couple of weeks.  Well lets hope so!!! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New York

Bear River
This picture makes me ponder, I love the ripples that are formed and the color!  Makes me think of the other night.  Logan and I had been up to my parents after being in the mountains with friends for a marshmallow roast.  We pulled into our drive way and heard a car passing that sounded like they had a flat tire.  They pulled into the station and of coarse everything was closed it was 10:30 or 11:00 pm.  Logan said lets go see if we can help.  Long story short we meet a couple from New York!  Who knew in little ole Randolph that our paths could cross? It was fun to visit in the short time we had.  Makes you wonder why things happen the way they do.  If we would have stayed in the mountains longer or at my parents longer or shorter for that matter our paths would have never crossed.  I love being able to meet people from all over the country and world!  So fun to beable to help others and have good life experiences...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"2012" First Day of School!

Maddi 5th, Danny 3rd, and Olivia 1st grade.

This is the first day of school, and the excitement is in the air...

Backpacks on...

8 years old

6 years old

10 years old

They were so excited when I dropped them off they went running!!...

Mr. Ward is Danny's teacher

Mrs. Cornia is Olivia's

Mr. Brown is Maddi's

These two pictures I took the day of school pictures.

I can't believe our kids our growing up so fast.
I feel so blessed to be able to be their mom.  Although there are some days I feel totally inadequate for this job.  Some how the stress is dissolved when they say I love you mom, or thanks mom for all you do.  Those sweet faces and a hug and kiss from them make all the worries go away.  ( at least for that moment of time : )
So thankful to be a mother...

Monday, September 17, 2012

What makes me laugh:


Good friends, make me laugh!
Camping this summer we had a moment of girl time... 
These two are a little crazy...
Fun, adventurous..
Just great to be around...
"We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be."
May Sarton
Isn't it great to be around people that you can truly be yourself around!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


We got in bed last night after 4 hours of helping the kids with their homework and getting ours done too; and I felt so much tension in my shoulders and back.  Interesting that I would run across this Proverb today.  Makes me think?
I didn't have any relaxation in me last night.  Logan's advice to me was "is your stress affordable?"   "What do you mean by that?"  I said
He said "why did we do all that work?"
I said "so we can help the kids and ourselves be educated and get good grades."
Logan "was it worth it, your stress?" 
So my tension I think was the pressure I feel while trying to reach all of our potential.  When in reality I need to relax and enjoy who we are and we we are becoming!