Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New York

Bear River
This picture makes me ponder, I love the ripples that are formed and the color!  Makes me think of the other night.  Logan and I had been up to my parents after being in the mountains with friends for a marshmallow roast.  We pulled into our drive way and heard a car passing that sounded like they had a flat tire.  They pulled into the station and of coarse everything was closed it was 10:30 or 11:00 pm.  Logan said lets go see if we can help.  Long story short we meet a couple from New York!  Who knew in little ole Randolph that our paths could cross? It was fun to visit in the short time we had.  Makes you wonder why things happen the way they do.  If we would have stayed in the mountains longer or at my parents longer or shorter for that matter our paths would have never crossed.  I love being able to meet people from all over the country and world!  So fun to beable to help others and have good life experiences...

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