Wednesday, January 23, 2013

If Plan A fails...

So I know it's been a long vacation for me : ),  (keeping up on the blog) (here I go Mom, who has been patiently waiting for an update.)  No school, work, Christmas, a New Year, and days off for the kids too.  We had a lovely break for the most part.  A few got sick, there were days that were just too cold to go outside. (one or more days that the weather would not get above 0).  Yes some cold days!  The kids found entertainment inside and their vacation soon came to a stop, and back to the old grind for them...  As for me I was sick with the flu, ear infection, body aches and feeling really yucky for 3 weeks, so all that suppose to be fun filled days I laid around most of it in bed or on the couch.  I felt a tad bit sad, cause the kids keep asking me aren't we doing something fun for break.  But.... remembering the quote above you just dive into Plan B, C, D, E..... Such with many things in life you make a plan and sometimes it fails.  Take for instants Math 1010..  It can have two thumbs down for me!  I ended up getting a C out of the class but because I didn't get 60 or higher on the final exam SLCC automatically gives you a D.  All that stinkin hard work!  BUMMER...  Needless to say I still need to do some forgiving it drives me mad.  So this just makes me have to go to plan B another semester of Math 1010 and hopefully on the final I get like 80 or better : ).  So my plan to graduate in May will change to hopefully Dec.  Three classes left, unfortunately 2 of them math not my strong point. (As you can tell from above)  In the end hopefully I can graduate with my associates only taken 5 semesters of Math and no, it's not what I am going into. 

Yes, this was a big long vent to myself so that one day I can look back at this blog and know that I can do hard things.  Things might not always go as planned.  There may be a bigger picture that I wasn't aware of.  And if Plan A fails, move to a different plan.

Funny, what might be so hard for some isn't for others, or in my case getting a C or a D my freshman year of college I would have thought AWESOME!  Now I expect A's and am so disappointed with a D.  Perspectives change in the course of ones life or at least it can.

I have to say although things can be hard, they also can be rewarding.  I've been reading a great book and one quote from it says:  "Undertake something that is difficult, it will do you good.  Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."  Ronald E. Osborn

I love it, it rings true to me, and helps me let my OCD (wanting everything perfect in all aspects of my life) have a rest.  To stretch myself for new challenges.  Will I be perfect at them?  No, but if you never try in fear of "failing"  you shall never gain!  So, here is to a NEW YEAR!

My personal theme for this year 2013:

"Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change.  Life's to short to be anything but happy."

1 comment:

  1. Dan has been the same way through school this time actually being annoyed if he gets an A- instead of just an A or A+! Hang in there - you can do it!:)
