Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Okay I really need to learn how to put pictures from our camera on our computer.  In doing that I  could update with the kids and what else has been happening in our world; but for today I will continue to move on with quotes and things I love from the Internet. 

Have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about the things you might FIGHT for?  What would they be and why would you fight for them?

So all that time you worry> I worry> It's wasted time!  So no more emptying my strength I need to load that cup up and enjoy today.
Okay maybe just maybe this is cow humor since we are surrounded by them, but I think this is funny.
Humor brings me joy and it is a reminder to let my hair down and laugh.  Every time I look at this picture it makes me laugh : ) 
In this crazy world we live in were time maybe wasted, and our will to fight is diminished, our humor distraught, we may have to dig deep and remember:
Fight for the ones you love, tell them you love them.  Have strength for today! 
And.... You must find humor!
When Dad's life was nearing the end....  He did these things... He believed in them...  Not just in the end but always. 
He made us laugh when the days seemed dark, he found strength in each day to do his best and humor well... his humor I miss...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Being Written

I just finished a discussion in my radiology class and it made me think of this...

don't you love the opportunity to keep writing your story.  Not the way others see you but to write it the way you want it to be wrote.  So, others may see you at your worst but guess what others may see you at your best.  Audrey Hepburn says...

I think it's about that and remembering to be confident within...
We have today to keep writing our story...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pondering Passion

I'm not sure what is happening but I have been pondering a lot about life.  Prodded perhaps by having a birthday, dad dying, and recently I was asked what I was passionate about?  Have you ever been asked that, or do you know what you are passionate about?

For me family is everything and I work at helping them learn, grow, and progress.  I also like taking care of them and our home (outside and in).  They make me happy!

However, what is it deep inside that I really feel passionate about?

Still Pondering:  There are lots of things that inspire me:





Maybe just maybe they are my passions...

Thursday, October 10, 2013


So this is how I'm feeling at 9:30 at night.  I'm not just talking about exercise and weight, but the three tests I have to take before 12 pm tomorrow.  The kids are fighting right now as I am typing.  Logan is at the Elementary right now wrapping up the first two months of his student teaching with the principle. We just got dinner done, because we just got home from Maddi's last volleyball game.  I took Danny to the dr. in Logan for a check up today then raced to Lake town where the volleyball game was.  Logan met us there with Libby.  It has been a rat race this week.  Oh did I mention Logan and I started a health challenge on Monday that goes for 2 months.  Why I mention this, well I have been a little bit witchy and Halloween isn't even here yet.  Can you say sugar withdrawals!!  This alongside of getting about 5 hours of sleep this week makes for a momma bear.  I'm not talking about the nice one.  : )  Well hopefully I really haven't been quite that bad, but you could ask my kids.  They tell the truth... "I think?"   
So.. I must have had to vent and this is where it happened tonight. 
Okay a funny story now:  Logan and I for our health challenge need to exercise daily.  This is hard sometimes to find the time.  (Like I haven't yet today, hoping to still get some in tonight.)  But... back to the story.  We were walking one night this week around 10 pm on the streets of Randolph, when a thought came to us.... It might be fun to door bell ditch.  Since my sister and her husband do this kinda stuff to us all the time.  We snuck up their walk looked around looked in their windows, some lights were on and bravely walked up to the door.  Looked at each other knocked and ran.  Trying not to giggle we hide around by their garage.  Sister yell's " Who is it....go home... next time I come out I will bring my flipper crotch".  We were busting at the seems, all while trying to be quiet. She went in and we ran away.  Thinking we got away with it.... 
Come to find out..
next morning...
She sees me with a big grin.... her husband was sitting at the computer watching us from the window do the whole thing...  they found us quite humorous.
Moral to the story...  You are always being watched.... Who's watching???  Well somebody is somewhere, I'm sure!
Will we ever get one up on my sister and her husband... Probably not they are pretty good at it, and I think they have been perfecting it for a long time ; )

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Missing Dad

Missing Dad,

Dad I miss your humor, knowledge, voice, visits, knowing that if I needed something you would help me figure it out, and most of all I miss you.  It has almost been three months since your passing and the time goes quickly, but my heart has a sadness that hasn't been replaced.  Not sure if it ever will?  Thanks for being you!   Love you

Ps. Still looking after Poochie, just so you know we haven't forgotten him.