Monday, December 5, 2011

Kids/ Logan and I in the city

Danny:  I can't believe how much he has grown in the last 6 months. He is 2inches taller and 7pds he has gained.  The doctor says he is in a growth spurt.  I can totally agree with that.
He asks a lot of questions and remembers great details about lots of things.  He loves reading the scientific books, finds them fascinating!  He has lots of energy and loves to talk to people (old or young) he has no preference on age. :)  He is a happy boy!

Olivia:  Loves to sing, just to clarify that one more time this girl can sing about anything.  She makes up songs and just sings!!  Although her cousins have taught her some popular songs and when she sings them it is pretty funny.  She also dances and performs as she sings too!  In school they get a book with one picture on the front cover and then they have to make up the story.  She has no problem doing this and she thinks it is great.  She is a strong willed little thing, and knows what she wants!  She is determined.

Maddi:  Loves crafts, artistic things, creating and reading.  She is helpful and likes being in charge.  She is a kind girl and thinks of others in her class.  She loves school and thinks her teacher is wonderful.  She did a PowerPoint in school a couple of weeks ago and it was great.  Her teacher said that she did a awesome job with it.  Maddi is not afraid to get up in front of people and she is usually the first one to bear her testimony each month in church.  She is a great example to her siblings!

Our kids still have a hard time adapting to this climate.  I tell them we don't live in St. George anymore.

I cut 3 inches off of Maddi's hair and trimmed up Olivia's and Danny's.

But Dad got a major hair cut.
the combined efforts below.

I just wanted to sum up the weekend....

I survived my speech and didn't even pass out or anything like that.  It was a big stretch but I think it was for most of the people in the class.  There was 15 of us and it was interesting to see others presentations.  My final is on the 12th and this class will be all wrapped up!!!!!
Logan and I had a great time being together we went and stayed in a hotel on Friday went to a movie and dinner.  Saturday went to the college for three hours and got Christmas shopping pretty much done.  I have to say I kinda really like the country life.  I think all of SLC was Christmas shopping too.  I thought we would be safe this many days before Christmas but it was hectic.  We almost got hit by a car when it was turning left while we were going straight, another car almost hit us as we were walking in the cross walk, and a driver had some serious road rage at us when we didn't turn right on a green light due to an old lady that was going to walk out in front of us. And all of this happened on Saturday.  So it was quit adventures.  Oh by the way the last driver with road rage pulled up to the next light and had a few words to say so I asked him if he just wanted us to run over the lady?  We drove off while he was saying a few words and I wished him a Merry Christmas.  Really do people need to act like that.  Maybe he had a terrible horrible no good very bad day.  So needless to say we were grateful to be able to come back home to a quit little town and breath a sigh of relief that we had surived a day in the city.

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