Friday, December 21, 2012


 There is something magical about giving a gift.
No matter the occasion it can bring joy to you and the one you are giving the gift too!
For Olivia:  This gift was for her teacher whose mother had passed away.  Olivia worked along time on the card to make it just right.  She beamed with pride as she walked out the door.

To others it may be a gift with a pretty bow or neatly wrapped!  But to some it is a "GIFT"  that you can't wrap up or put a bow on.  It can be a gift of love, hope, happiness, faith, charity, friendship and peace...  We may not be able to give all the expensive gifts but we all can give "rich gifts", ourselves to others.   Hoping you all find peace and happiness this holiday season.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Once upon a time this was me, moving

and this was my DAD, saying goodbye..

along with my MOM...

I never have had a dog, but in this story there was POOCHIE...

and so they said goodbye... instead of me being the one to drive off...

It was them...
So my story goes they traveled down the highway south for another season....
and the travelers moved on...
"I believe that man's noblest endowment is his capacity to change."  Leonard Bernstein
I"m grateful that my parents have the capacity to change.  I admire them for the journey that they take down the road called "LIFE." 
If someone told me I had cancer would I be able to take that journey to the unknown with qualities my parents have took on, both as a caregiver and a patient?
Qualities such as: 
No matter what road we have to travel or the season we are in, it can be difficult, discouraging, and scary to have to face the unknown. 
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.  It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."  Charles Darwin

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Smell the aroma of the flavors!

Stirring the soup so carefully to blend....

and every good cook has to have a taste, cooling it down so he can. 
OoO sooo good!  "PERFECTION"
Who knew that making soup was so fun and for me really enjoyable to watch.  Danny loves being in the kitchen and wants to help me often...
He really did look like a professional, one who was passionate about his creation! I love this boy!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Putnam's Grand kids in 2008!
Oldest to youngest.
Oliver, Maud, Emma, Ellen, Savannah, Maddi, Annie, Danny and Olivia



Dad and Zing or better known as Poochie to me.

Oliver and Mom trimming some trees.

A little closer look at Poochie.

Wow, these kids of ours have changed so much.  Dana will have three graduated in May, one has been married a year, and Dana's baby is in third grade.  As for me this will be the last year our kids will  all be in elementary together.  Time really does Fly! 

This was the last picture of our playhouse before we tore it down.  Funny how things you see, smell, or talk about, brings back such memories.  Boy, there has been a lot of things that have took place in all our lives since we played as kids in our playhouse and since this picture was taken. 
Although "Seasons" come and go in life, our memories will hopefully last! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Okay Logan is making me sleeping looking at him.  Have you ever been tired?  That could mean a few different things.  Like literally needing to rest your body, board, over worked, or tired of the same thing.  Funny how one word can mean a whole bunch of different things. 
We are plugging away at our day to day things.  Getting a little further ahead with school.  I'm counting down a couple more weeks and this semester will be over.  I have to say I am a little "TIRED" of MATH.  It's just not for me, but I'm so glad other's love it!
Kids are doing well, so excited for Christmas, and being able to be together.  I love that they like to be with us!!  It's fun to watch how much they change through a school year.  I love the things they say and how passionate they are about life.  They for sure teach me something new every single day.  So glad I get to be home with them.
I'm also thankful to the guy in the picture!  My life is so blessed to have him in it.  He lifts me up, gives me strength when I feel weak and inspires me to do better.  Thanks to him for filling in where I leave off.  He truly is the best!!  He works long days and still has time for each one of us when he comes home!!  I know he is "TIRED", but he carries on and I love him for it.  I'm so glad he is driven to accomplish great things!  He is amazing and I'm glad he is my best friend!  I love you Logan!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"There is only one.."

I am one
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
Helen Keller

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Halloween 20012

Halloween in first grade is awesome!
One day Libby and mom carved pumpkins with the rest of her class!
Libby's design!
I didn't even realized we matched.  Two great minds think alike : )

Libby's class and her teacher Mrs. Cornia.

This day they got to go show the other grades and high school their costumes. 
Halloween Night 
Maddi stuck in a graveyard!

Danny sucked someones blood!

We had to take poochie with us this year.  So glad we weren't in a snow storm this year.
Dad with Lorax, Orphan Annie and Dracula!

Life is pretty good, candy, dress up and family time!

After the night was over, I kinda felt like this guy...

Monday, October 29, 2012


I know this isn't what October looks like for a lot of people, but in a storm it's nice to see something so beautiful!  I have been listening to the news on Hurricane Sandy today, and my thoughts are for all those who are affected by this storm. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

October and loving it!

I love Fall and Spring my favorite seasons.  The trees are breathtaking there is a crispness in the air and fall is here!  We have really been taking in all of the outdoors we can get since you know what is lingering around the corner.  (Winter)  We won't talk about that.  We have already had deer in our yards, and they are roaming around town.  They usually come latter, so that's kind of crazy.  Speaking of animals.  We have had tons and I mean tons of skunks this year.  They are SO bad and you even see them during the day.  The cows are also grazing the roads as well as on the feed and a couple of weeks ago someone hit one.  I can't even image hitting a cow it would be so terrifying.  The colors of the trees are warm earth tones that just make me feel cozy and content.  So while Mother Nature is doing her thing we have been doing ours as well.We went camping with these three monkeys, and I mean it was a ZOO ; )  It was a lot of fun and they think it is great.  It's nice to live in such a great place were you can enjoy your surroundings. (inside and out)
Last night Logan's pager went off for a fire.  I have to say I get a little worried about him when he goes out.  He loves being on the fire department and thinks it's exciting.  On the other hand I get a little anxious.  Getting into bed at 11 last night and he wasn't home yet, I thought of the many things I rely on Logan for.  It made me realize how much of a team we are.  My world would be lost without him.   

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I love how our kids can be so engaged in something.  When they are working together and not fighting it's MAGICAL!  I love how they help one another and how they share something exciting!  There is something that as a parent you truly find joy in the simple things that they do.  Each one of them bring such delight to us and we are so thankful to be their parents.  They are truly teaching us lots of things, and hope we our teaching them a few things too.  Today I'm thankful to be mom!  Thanks kids for all you do, for your patience, and for helping me, and most of all for being you.  I love you and so does Dad.  Air hugs and kisses ; )
Love Mom
Too infinitie and beyond.....

Monday, September 24, 2012

St. George friends

What a group of kids!

Hannah, Maddi

Cameron, Danny

Olivia, Regan

Quinn, Jami

Me, Jami
Missing our friends from the south.  We lived by each other for two years.  Interesting when we moved in to find out they had the same number of kids same sex and age.  Then Quinn came not to long before we all moved. (we didn't try to catch up ; )  It was fun to be in similar situations to be able to relate with each other.  The adventures of life are always funner with a friend!
Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
(Found this saying, it didn't have a name with it.)