Monday, August 27, 2012


Putnam crew/Peart/Staheli

Us girls
We are on top of the world... well almost, kinda, Crawford.  My oh my does the days go by.  I remember when my mom was 27.  She just had a birthday a few days ago turning 63.  Where oh where does the time fly???  Dads 64 Dana is 43 and I'm 39.  Here is some thoughts on age....
"Age is the art that one crafts of the mind. Make it always more lovely for others to find. Take no thought of the body, or wrinkles of skin. The most beautiful art is what comes from within."
Wes Fessler
"Instead of spending childhood trying to be older, and adulthood trying to be younger, learn to accept who you are right now."
Wes Fessler
Let's enjoy today wth the knowledge we have and the things we get to discover!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Making our own Folklore

Isn't the world we live in magnificent?
 I was saying in my last post back to school!
Every new semester I get the feeling of being overwhelmed and wander what in the heck am I doing?  I wonder why didn't I do this those 10 years I had before I got married and had kids.  When I say this to Logan he says: If you would have we would have probably never meet.  This is true.  I worked with his brother Marshall and because of him and Logan having a surgery on his knee magic happened!  For me it was magical the first time we meet...
Life's pathways and patterns make up ones life. 
I for one wouldn't have it any other way.  Glad to be where I am in the pathway I'm traveling.  As for school this semester after reading all the syllabuses.  I find myself excited to have the opportunity to learn about these classes.  Folklore, Finances, Adolescent growth and development and Math ( this one is really hard for me, and after this semester it will be my only required class.)  So a little something I learned yesterday....
Folklore is informally learned and unofficial, part of everyday experience.  Who knew, I for sure didn't.  I thought I was going to learn about folk dancing or unicorns or something.  Instead I get to learn about traditions, and see different ways people express themselves. 
So coming from a gal that has attended the school of hard knocks, and is attending college;  I have to say that college is a lot less painful!
So here is to learning and making our own Folklore!!   

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ah the days of summer...



Ellen's surprise 16th birthday party!
On top of Crawford.

Annie, Maddi



Danny in search of....

This is Maud

and this is Clint

crazy drivers

That's our little girl in that jeep, yes her uncle is driving, kinda!

The kids taking in the view.
Isn't it breath taking?
Summer has swiftly came and gone.  Back to school for all of us. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


My friend of 21 years...

We are striking a pose!

So fun we got to meet up on the North Shore of Bear Lake.  Crazy how fast time goes by.  I can still remember the first time we meet.  Raintree Treehouse in St George, Juanita came and helped me move in.  She says I had a ton of blankets which I really did. (funny for St. George)  It was our freshman year at Dixie "1991".  My how things have changed, life moves, roads traveled and we are still friends.  Isn't it great to find friends that motivate you, inspire you and help you through hard times. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What a nice family picture ; )

Have you ever had a day like this?

We thought we were taking a nice family picture.
We set up the camera just right, on the van...
We got a great picture (other than, it was Logan that set up the camera and he forgot to compensate for his height.)  That's why the upper part of his face is not in the picture.  

So then we thought we would try it again.  It was a bit better but to try again this day the kids weren't having it. So this is are nice family portrait ; ) 

This is how I feel like my day has started out.  Taking a test at 12 am that took me tell 1:30 am up by 6:30 to get Logan and Maddi off to work (helping a friend in Evanston) piano @ 8:00 breakfast, studying a minute, and then to try and relax a min ( by doing this) then off to take two finals @ 10:30.  I realize that that was the longest sentence ever, but hey that's how the cookie crumbles.  I'm happy I get to finish my semester TODAY! Yippee....  So with my wanting everything to be perfect and knowing they and I can't be.  I need to remember this...  and apply it to mothering, being a wife, college student, and all the other hats that I wear by being a women .....


Just like this picture wasn't perfect, it also wasn't a failure, it was an opportunity to begin again!  Thank goodness for these opportunities that come to us several times in a day and in every season of life we are in.