Thursday, August 23, 2012

Making our own Folklore

Isn't the world we live in magnificent?
 I was saying in my last post back to school!
Every new semester I get the feeling of being overwhelmed and wander what in the heck am I doing?  I wonder why didn't I do this those 10 years I had before I got married and had kids.  When I say this to Logan he says: If you would have we would have probably never meet.  This is true.  I worked with his brother Marshall and because of him and Logan having a surgery on his knee magic happened!  For me it was magical the first time we meet...
Life's pathways and patterns make up ones life. 
I for one wouldn't have it any other way.  Glad to be where I am in the pathway I'm traveling.  As for school this semester after reading all the syllabuses.  I find myself excited to have the opportunity to learn about these classes.  Folklore, Finances, Adolescent growth and development and Math ( this one is really hard for me, and after this semester it will be my only required class.)  So a little something I learned yesterday....
Folklore is informally learned and unofficial, part of everyday experience.  Who knew, I for sure didn't.  I thought I was going to learn about folk dancing or unicorns or something.  Instead I get to learn about traditions, and see different ways people express themselves. 
So coming from a gal that has attended the school of hard knocks, and is attending college;  I have to say that college is a lot less painful!
So here is to learning and making our own Folklore!!   

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