Monday, April 30, 2012

Under my Belt ; )

One more semester under my belt!

Well almost, 3 out of the 4 classes completed!  One more test tomorrow and it's a wrap for two whole weeks.  Then summer semester starts.

Life has been a bit on the crazy side lately.  With kids, finals, Young Women's and a few sicknesses it makes for some interesting days.  Logan and I celebrated our 11th anniversary on Friday.  It wasn't quit the day we had anticipated.  We planned on going to SLC for the weekend him and I.  Instead Libby woke up on Thursday with spots on her face and a terrible looking sore nose.  I took her to the doctor to find out she has Infantigo. (Skin Staff infection)  Which is really contagious, so the plans had to be cancelled and we put the kids to bed on Friday and watched a movie.  If you were to ask us 11 years earlier what we would be doing now it probably wouldn't have been this.  Funny how time changes things and kids give you a new perspective and how as parents you have to be flexible.  Actually as human beings our lives would be a lot less stressful if we all could be more flexible.  Life happens and change is inevitable.  So, with 11 years I am grateful for one awesome husband who is and has been so good to me!  I love him and feel so blessed to be with him for always and forever!  I'm so happy that we have three great kids, who we love and feel so blessed to be apart of their lives.  They keep life interesting and I love to watch them play.  The other night they were dancing and singing and it was so fun and funny.  I'm glad they are so happy and like to entertain. : )  So grateful for a new week and hopeful I can get caught back up with our house that has been denied some TLC for a very long semester.  You have to let some things go and the deep cleaning definitley went out the window.  So here is to getting things back in order before I have to go back to school and the kids get out of school for the summer. 

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
Soren Kierkegaard  

Thursday, April 19, 2012


My heart is full tonight and I have to give thanks for miracles.

Logan, a neighbor and I witnessed an accident.

Three boys rolled a suburban and two were ejected.  By the grace of God none of them were killed.  I'm not sure of the extent of their injuries yet, but I know we witnessed a miracle, three to be exact! 

I'm so grateful for the tender mercies of God.  Thankful for second chances for those boys and for the ones who get them.  Thankful for the gift of life and again I'm reminded of it's preciousness.  How quick our lives can change forever.  It puts life's struggles in perspective and I feel somewhat ashamed of my last blog entry : ( 

I'm not always sure why God puts you in places, but I testify that he put us there tonight.  That we were suppose to be there and see and experience what we did.  It wasn't by coincidence that we saw it!  There was to many things that lead up to it to deny them.

I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that knows each of us and cares for us.  He understands that mistakes will be made and has given us a Savior to help us.  I am thankful for my older brother who died on the cross and lives again. 

My hope is that I can be like Him and look at life with the bigger picture in mind.  Not to get so caught up with the little things. I hope I can be a little gentler, kinder and loving that I can serve others, learn more, and help our children learn more about our Savior and our Heavenly Fathers Plan.

Will we know all of the reasons we our placed in situations?  I'm not sure if we will?
But, I know for tonight I'm blessed!

Thanks Lord for watching out for those boys!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

*Clean Windows*

Oopsie is that a word?  Well if it is not, it is now.  That means too too much!

Why do we over commit as women?  Why why?  I ask myself why and so does my husband!

But as a wise woman once told me (Mom, oh wait a minute she tells me all the time) "this too will pass".  and so it does....

So facing this week head on I shall go and do:

4 days of church activities (1x to SLC- 3x to Kemmerer)

Health Fair (1 day)

and Finals is next week!

Finding babysitters for three of those days!

and trying to get over a months worth of sinus infection!

Wow, I'm feeling better already : >

Funny what a little writing does...

and here is a little something from my book of thoughts:

"The most important part of vehicle maintenance is clean windows - so if you are broken down, you can still enjoy the beauty of the view"  Dan Eldon

so here is to tackling one thing at a time and not complaining, ANYMORE!  Off to do some English....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Olivia!

Olivia turned 6 on February 15th

I realized that I didn't post about Olivia's Birthday.  February went by extremely fast and a lot was happening so here's to Olivia.......

Olivia Marie Staheli
sometimes called
 Lou Lou
Doodle Bug

Six Love Yous about Olivia:

1.  I Love how you always sing!  You sing to music, no music, your own songs you make up, or to other songs that you have learned.  You sing to an audience or to yourself.  You really love to sing!

2.  You are genuinely a very happy girl with a really cute smile!

3.  You are STRONG WILLED!  (which can be a great thing, most of the time ; )

4.  You like playing with dolls! (which reminds me of when I was little)

5.  You Love adventure such as roller coasters!!

6.  I love your laugh!

You are growing so fast I can't believe my baby is six already. 

I love you Lou Lou...

We love you and our so glad your apart of our family!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Missing Two ;)

I went to check on the kids before Logan and I went to bed and this was the first bed.
Where oh where did my Danny Boy Go?

(I had already tucked the kids in 2 hours previously and he was there!)

This was the second bed, those are all dolls and stuffed animals no Olivia there!

Finally three tries latter and I found them all nestled down together.

I think it is so sweet that there such good friends.

Oops my flash is too bright!  I gotta get out before I get caught!

and that is the story of the two missing kids.  Safe and sound to sleep ;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Now that's a Party!!

You gotta love those March days in St George!

Playing with family:
Hanging out
getting caught up
enjoying the kids

and it don't get better than this!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The OCEAN Part 2:

That's our van loaded to the hilt.

These kids just experienced something for the very first time!

Beauty is all around...

Speaking of beauty..

I loved this little alley.

Full of LIFE






Splashing with Joy

Did you know the ocean is a symphony?

Writing ones history:

comes one SEASHORE



and one moment.....

Makes up ones life...

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Dr. Seuss,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Seeing the Ocean for the very first time!

Isn't it so Wonderful.....

To Discover.....

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  EXPLORE.  DREAM.  DISCOVER.
Mark Twain