Monday, April 30, 2012

Under my Belt ; )

One more semester under my belt!

Well almost, 3 out of the 4 classes completed!  One more test tomorrow and it's a wrap for two whole weeks.  Then summer semester starts.

Life has been a bit on the crazy side lately.  With kids, finals, Young Women's and a few sicknesses it makes for some interesting days.  Logan and I celebrated our 11th anniversary on Friday.  It wasn't quit the day we had anticipated.  We planned on going to SLC for the weekend him and I.  Instead Libby woke up on Thursday with spots on her face and a terrible looking sore nose.  I took her to the doctor to find out she has Infantigo. (Skin Staff infection)  Which is really contagious, so the plans had to be cancelled and we put the kids to bed on Friday and watched a movie.  If you were to ask us 11 years earlier what we would be doing now it probably wouldn't have been this.  Funny how time changes things and kids give you a new perspective and how as parents you have to be flexible.  Actually as human beings our lives would be a lot less stressful if we all could be more flexible.  Life happens and change is inevitable.  So, with 11 years I am grateful for one awesome husband who is and has been so good to me!  I love him and feel so blessed to be with him for always and forever!  I'm so happy that we have three great kids, who we love and feel so blessed to be apart of their lives.  They keep life interesting and I love to watch them play.  The other night they were dancing and singing and it was so fun and funny.  I'm glad they are so happy and like to entertain. : )  So grateful for a new week and hopeful I can get caught back up with our house that has been denied some TLC for a very long semester.  You have to let some things go and the deep cleaning definitley went out the window.  So here is to getting things back in order before I have to go back to school and the kids get out of school for the summer. 

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
Soren Kierkegaard  

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