Thursday, April 19, 2012


My heart is full tonight and I have to give thanks for miracles.

Logan, a neighbor and I witnessed an accident.

Three boys rolled a suburban and two were ejected.  By the grace of God none of them were killed.  I'm not sure of the extent of their injuries yet, but I know we witnessed a miracle, three to be exact! 

I'm so grateful for the tender mercies of God.  Thankful for second chances for those boys and for the ones who get them.  Thankful for the gift of life and again I'm reminded of it's preciousness.  How quick our lives can change forever.  It puts life's struggles in perspective and I feel somewhat ashamed of my last blog entry : ( 

I'm not always sure why God puts you in places, but I testify that he put us there tonight.  That we were suppose to be there and see and experience what we did.  It wasn't by coincidence that we saw it!  There was to many things that lead up to it to deny them.

I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that knows each of us and cares for us.  He understands that mistakes will be made and has given us a Savior to help us.  I am thankful for my older brother who died on the cross and lives again. 

My hope is that I can be like Him and look at life with the bigger picture in mind.  Not to get so caught up with the little things. I hope I can be a little gentler, kinder and loving that I can serve others, learn more, and help our children learn more about our Savior and our Heavenly Fathers Plan.

Will we know all of the reasons we our placed in situations?  I'm not sure if we will?
But, I know for tonight I'm blessed!

Thanks Lord for watching out for those boys!

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