Thursday, April 18, 2013

Goodbye Hospitals

This is Dad's last hospital stay.  He has been in the hospital 3x the last month and a half. 
He has had pneumonia and RSV, another stay was due to his calcium being to high because his cancer
is out of control, releasing calcium from his bones.  The last stay was due to inflamed intestines due
to 4 years of chemo and this last D Pace (which was a strong dose of chemo) and it was to much for
his guts. 

Walking the hall with Mom and Maud trying to regain some strength.
So many machines, pokes, questions, people in and out....

Dad masking up while housekeeping was vacuuming up his hair in the bathroom.
Have you ever had a hair cut in the hospital? Actually a full body shave in the hospital?
It was something that needed to be done because he was loosing his hair by the handfuls.
So one morning I gave him a hair shave.  His hair felt and looked like he had a bucket of oil spilled
on it.
He was cold so he wore this on his head.  Until they made him take it off because it was messing up
his temperature when they took it.
So our family said goodbye to The Huntsman, to all hospitals, no more ER visits, no more clinics, no
more tests.... and so we left knowing that it was our LAST GOODBYE TO THE HOSPITAL
so I thought...
until last Wednesday....
When I got a phone call..
and how that goodbye to the hospital was meet with a hello....
My Aunt Flora, had a stroke...

This pictures was a fun girl party years ago!
The Wardell gang, aunt Flora and I.
and so life makes another turn in a direction that we didn't see coming....
My heart aches for her and her family... It is so hard to see the ones you love, afraid, suffering, being
in unfamiliar territory... and oh the hospitals....
so for...
and lately there has been a lot of cookies ate...

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