Monday, April 29, 2013

The Ugliest Days can be Beautiful...

Where are we without it?
Interesting how different journey's in our lives can lead us to unfamiliar territories.  Places that are unknown and feel very dark at times.  I felt this again this last week.  When I found out a college friend of mine from the "singles ward" died.  (cancer)  She was 36 years old married to a guy I knew, had three children and fought breast cancer for 3 years. 
It sent me in a funk that I haven't felt before.  I feel broken inside...  It's a terrible feeling but it's really how I feel. So many people I know have cancer and they are dying. People's bodies are failing them and it makes me sad...
somewhere inside You have to dig deep, and I mean really deep...
Because without HOPE, and BEAUTY things can look really ugly.  and lately things have looked really ugly...
My Dad continues to get weaker.. his bone pain is back... and he is loosing his appetite.  So sad to see him suffering...
Aunt Flora is continuing to get better, and is improving... Yet my heart aches for her.. It's got to be so frustrating not being able to do things you want to....
My friend buried his wife this weekend... now he has to pick up the pieces and raise 3 children...
Yet with these tragedies...
I have to look for hope.. and remember to..
Right now, I can mother my children, love my husband, take care of my parents, help a friend, learn, and embrace today, for that maybe, all I have...
Today I am thankful...

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