Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Logan in the middle of a song
such concentration
I love it :)

Maddi practicing the piano
it makes her happy to learn a new song

Olivia singing with all her might
Music just moves your soul
It doesn't matter if you sing it, play it, or dance to it
music makes our family happy.
It's great to hear different types of music different instruments
or my personal favorite when the kids make up their own songs.
About anything and everything.  One trip to Evanston and it was just Olivia and I and she sang the whole way about everything she saw on the trip.  It made me reminisce about the days when I would sing to the cows as I kept them out of the haystack while my Dad feed them, or when I would be brush dragging singing as loud as I could over the tractor about anything I could see.  So I guess our kids get it from both sides.  A couple of weeks ago Logan, and Chris sang the Star Spangle Banner in Relief Society.  He has a great voice and I love hearing him sing.  Plus one of my favorite dates since we have lived here was a J Bars.Which is a mechanic shop.  The owner has his instruments on top of his meat freezer.  So you climb a ladder to get to it.  There is about 5 or 6 in their band, and they know how to rock it.  Usually we go and listen but this night Logan played the guitar and I sang with them.  It was so much fun.  I think we both felt like celebrities.  It made for a great night and some really fun memories.  It just reminds me of what a great gift of music Logan has.  He picks up a instrument and plays.  A little practice and he is pro. He is wonderful.........  So whether we are dancing in our kitchen, or front room or singing in the car or where ever we are or playing an instrument.  Music moves our souls and We LOVE IT!!!

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