Sunday, July 17, 2011

Part three: Homeward bound

One of my monkeys
playing in the Yarringtons yard

Olivia enjoying the nights activities

Danny taking it easy

We got to stop on are way home and visit Dan, Jodie, Jonah, Ruby, and Maggie
It was so fun to see them. It has been a couple of years since we have.  What a great family!

Logan meet up with us in St. Charles Idaho so we could go to the Minnetonka cave.  It was a good work out and fun to explore.  There was 896 stairs, the temperature is always 40 degrees in the cave.  The kids did good. Other than we got half way and Libby had to go to the bathroom.  So Logan packed her most of the way. Thank goodness for Dads!!!

This is the beginning

This is Danny and Maddi
What a great week.
You never know where life will take you, who knew we would end our trip in a cave!

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