Saturday, March 30, 2013

a caregiver:

a caregiver:
qualifications: Willing, supporting, loyal, faithful, endurance, patient, nurse, pharmacist, counselor, cook, housekeeper, friend, hopeful, strong, courageous, healthy (body and mind), willing to try new things.....
My Mom
She has been 110% by my Dad's side the last 4 years!
She is amazing!
Organizing Med's for the week.

Checking Dad's weight.

In charge of the urinal.

Mom updating their carepage.
Helping Dad.

Getting home from a long day of Labs.

This is their new home.  Located in the University of Utah Parking Lot!

On their way to the second floor for labs at The Huntsman Institute.

Being together!

Thanks for taking care of Dad and loving him, always!  Thanks for showing by example what true love and service is all about.  Thanks for being willing to change your course and sail against the fierce winds, into a path that has been full of huge swells, and storms of the unimaginable.  You are a warrior caption, facing the waters on a raft (not a ship)! Remember you are loved, appreicated, and admired!
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.  Peace I leave with you , my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:26-27

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Searching for HERO'S
We are on the hunt....

were would they be????

Here is one looking back at me....

Not just one but here is a second....

They are brave and strong don't ya reckon....
all around isn't great when they are found!!
Thank goodness for hero's they set an example
ones you can look up to and always remember..
Our parents have always been heros long before cancer entered in. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

God, Please

Why oh Why?
Why oh why is there heartbreak and pain?  Suffering oh the suffering rips your heart out right out of your chest and shreds it on a cheese grater, and then leaves your chest wide open, vulnerable.
Four Years of long suffering!! You know how the scriptures say to endure to the end!  You don't really know how long that end will be.... and you think I will be able to endure.... and then you are put to the test....
Dad's Room in the Huntsman BMT Unit

This is on the outside of Dad's door


The nurse took two down before I got this picture took.
Dad's D-Pace (Chemo)
Dad resting
Oh the frustration, pain, long suffering, hope and it being shattered.

God please
Give him peace and comfort!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More than a number!

In a world full of learning and sometimes confusion, people forget that you are more than a number, statistic, procedure, operation.... and so forth.....
When you put a name with that number...
and then a face...
You have a man, someones son, husband, father, grandfather, uncle, friend!  Someone that is loved, needed, wanted, cared for...
You have someone that means everything to you! 

Friday, March 22, 2013


Have you ever watched someone die?
MY Dad is dying.....
"We can't save him, we can only love him" dp
Two weeks or two months, says the Dr.
Your choice is two weeks or two months, well which choice do you want?
You can go home now and you will be delirious and die within 2 weeks or you can do another chemo
hopefully help you not be delirious and maybe live 2 months.  Oh and by the way you will loose all
your hair and be sick, and you could die from the chemo too!
What do you choose?
Do you want plan a or plan b?
How does one make such a choice?  and why should one have to make that choice?
My Dad chooses plan b, to try and have 2 more months, and not be delirious.  I can't imagine the
weight he must have felt in making such a decision.  The actual process of it is unfathomable.  I know
we will all die, sometime, but to have a time limit!  Who can work under that kinda pressure?  What
do you do and how do you do it all, with the limitations you have?  So many questions so little time
for answers? 
I do know one thing, I love him!  I have always loved him!  Admire him, appreciate him, love his
sense of humor and those big blue eyes.  I loved him when his hands were calloused, rough, greasy  
over worked; to now when his hands are as soft as a babies bum, and no grease.  I love him with hair,
I love him without hair, I love him.  Thanks Dad for being my hero in a battle that is terrifying,
bloody, devastating, and painful!  You have fought valiantly and your time has almost come when
you can rest!  You can take shelter from the shrapnel, that pierces your body, and takes you hostage. 
You can find comfort in knowing you have fought valiantly and strong!  You have the courage like
a lion, the meekness like a lamb, and you can't go into battle without humor like a hyena, you have
that too!  You are a rock solid and firm!  Thanks for all you do for me, you are a knight in shinning
armor.  I hope to always feel your arms around me, hear your laughter in the air, and know that you
are safe! I love you Dad, always and forever, to infinite and beyond!!!


Thursday, March 21, 2013


"Life is under no obligation to give us what we expect."
Margret Mitchell
What do I expect?  To be healthy and happy!  Well that's what I always wish for, and have done for many years. What happens when you don't have a healthy body and some days you aren't happy? 
Blasted cancer!!  You make my heart hurt and my expectations dwindle!  I hate you!!
You destroy happiness and health, my two wishes.
You are mean, and you take...
you take away...
pain free days
you suck the very life out of people, and it's not fair!
You make people suffer!
"The C word is where happiness goes to die?"
"C word= Joy *Killer"  Lynne Knowlton


Friday, March 15, 2013

Olivia's Creation

"Life isn't about finding yourself it's a bout creating yourself."

Thursday, March 14, 2013

*Wild Animals*

Danny and Olivia got birthday blankets and Maddi liked them so much she got one too!
"We got an owl, a frog, and a monster"
They are the cutest animals I've ever seen!
You can tell a lot about someone by looking into their eyes!

Sophia Loren

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dog Sitting

While I was napping one day I woke up to find this!  See the blankets in the back ground?  Well the pillow was on them and then the blanket that Poochie is laying on was on top of that.  So while I was dreaming  of sweet things, he got the blanket and pillow down got it situated and had dreams of his own.  Whoever thought dogs aren't smart, they have never been around them. Or Poochie is just extra smart!

I couldn't find a picture with Danny in it but he loves on him just as much as the girls.  First thing when they wake up and first thing when they get home from school.

Zing or I call him Poochie, has been staying with us when dad and mom go to SLC to the Huntsman.  Dad says I shouldn't call him Poochie because it's not man enough, but for me it makes me smile and I think it's kinda funny.  The kids love having him and look forward to his arrival and always wish he could stay longer.  It's cute how they interact with him.  I do have to say that as his sister I think he is spoiled rotten : )'  It's a good thing I guess we all need a little TLC, at least sometimes. 
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”
Milan Kundera
Dad says that dogs lower your blood pressure and then he shared an article with me about it.  I have to say that seeing Zing with my dad does bring peace.  I see peace, contentment and joy in both of them.  They are good for each other.
So being able to babysit has been a good thing for our family!  Thanks dad