Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dog Sitting

While I was napping one day I woke up to find this!  See the blankets in the back ground?  Well the pillow was on them and then the blanket that Poochie is laying on was on top of that.  So while I was dreaming  of sweet things, he got the blanket and pillow down got it situated and had dreams of his own.  Whoever thought dogs aren't smart, they have never been around them. Or Poochie is just extra smart!

I couldn't find a picture with Danny in it but he loves on him just as much as the girls.  First thing when they wake up and first thing when they get home from school.

Zing or I call him Poochie, has been staying with us when dad and mom go to SLC to the Huntsman.  Dad says I shouldn't call him Poochie because it's not man enough, but for me it makes me smile and I think it's kinda funny.  The kids love having him and look forward to his arrival and always wish he could stay longer.  It's cute how they interact with him.  I do have to say that as his sister I think he is spoiled rotten : )'  It's a good thing I guess we all need a little TLC, at least sometimes. 
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”
Milan Kundera
Dad says that dogs lower your blood pressure and then he shared an article with me about it.  I have to say that seeing Zing with my dad does bring peace.  I see peace, contentment and joy in both of them.  They are good for each other.
So being able to babysit has been a good thing for our family!  Thanks dad

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