Thursday, March 7, 2013

Time stands still

Time stands still
Have you ever been in a place in your life when time stands still?  You can see others moving around and carrying on with their everyday things but you feel frozen!  Frozen in time!  It just happens and you don't even really know that it did!
That's when family and friends come and rescue you!
Rescue you from the cold, wet, frozen place where you have been!
They carry you, lift you up and give you comfort, strength and warmth!
You need friends, in good times and hard times!
This is what Lynne knowlton says about cancer:
I believe in HOPE . I BELIEVE in believing : Believing that there is light through all this darkness.  I don’t need to remind anyone that there is darkness in cancer.
It is so very sad
It is so very scary
It makes you cry
 It makes you cry the kind of tears that come out of your nose.  Not the pretty super model cry. A REAL cry.  Hyperventilate into a bag.  CRY.  Can’t catch your breath.  CRY.
Cry like you have never cried before.  CRY.
 * It tugs at the deepest parts of you that you didn’t even know existed * It shatters your belief system * It makes you doubt * It uproots you in ways that you didn’t even know could happen * It confuses everything * Lynne Knowlton
This is one of many reasons why you need a friend and why you need to be a friend!  Everyone has trials, disappointments, heartbreaks; but also triumphs, joy, successes, and who better to share all these experiences with than a friend.
So when your world feels like it is totally "FROZEN"  lean on someone that cares :)  Today I may be the mouse but tomorrow I might just be the frog! 

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