Friday, September 9, 2011


This is my Dads sisters family:  Elda and Cliff Wickam
they were the ones in charge this year.

This is my Dads sisters family: Barbra and Dale Peterson

This is my Dads sisters family:  Ralph and Marion Lee

This is my Dads brothers family:  Bub and Toby Putnam
and our Danny holding their flag!

This is my Dads sisters family: Glenna and Don Stonebraker

This is my Dads brother:  Blaine and Rayitos daughter from the side, Rocio.
I thought we had a family picture of aunt Ray, Rocio her husband and son.
I will have to get one from Dana.
Two other families are not shown.
Ours!  What was I thinking?
The Danny and Connie Putnam and friends.
My Dads sister Sally and Dee Thornhill
Sad to say uncle Dee passed away this week.  Our thoughts and prayers our with them.  We love them and all of the family and friends in the above pictures.  There was some family and friends that were not able to make it this year.  We love and miss them too!
In total this year: We made up a total of 215 1/2 :) people..
All because two people fell in love.
Thanks Grandma Olive and Grandpa Elden we love you and are so grateful for your example of hard work, family fun, play, good food and great reunion traditions.

It is amazing how green the meadow is.  Last winter has made up for some great hay, and a lot of beauty. 

So, if you are ever feeling down.
Just look at this picture and it will make you smile.
I mean who else rides cows at family reunions.
This is Emily, Justin Carnahans girlfriend from California.

Look close and you will see a spider web.  Wish the picture really showed how cool it was.  So amazing that such a little spider could do such an enormous web.
Makes you think about what little ole bitty you can do?

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