Thursday, September 8, 2011


Putnam-Mills Reunion
Labor Day Weekend

It just don't get much better than this.
Logan napping in the Tee Pee

Danny our little cave man

The kids are working really hard making a fire pit!

Ellen and Maddi making braids out of material.

Okay before I go on much further: I better stop at this picture.
So here goes no my Mom don't always dress so hippie sh.
Although she is styling.  Well, I will let your imagination work on that for a bit.

Pearts brought 3 huge sacks of Bear Lake Corn.  Which by the way is totally delicious :)
So we had one serious shuck en party.

Honestly how did a little old ranch girl get so lucky to have such a wonderful man.
I just LOVE HIM.

When I said a serious corn party I meant serious..

Wait a sec., she is one. Modeling in her hippie shirt, and posing with a cow. 

Emma you look guilty, why?

Ellen I think you and Emma are up to something!

Danny in his cape and the Carnahan Flag that he helped design and make.  He was so proud of that flag.  He packed it around and we ended up with it at our house.  In his bedroom of course!

Mom and Dad

So the Tale goes like this...
Once upon a time inda meadow there was love,
and there still is.
The Putnam and Mills (my Grandma's maiden name) started a family tradition. Every Labor Day weekend they would have a family reunion.  It's been going on at least 60+ years.. They would have a theme for the reunion.  I'm telling you I think we have done it all in the reunions that I can remember.  We have dressed up like Indians, Cowboys, Hollywood Stars, Disneyland Characters, had Rodeos, Plays, Olympics, Talents, Auctions, and lots and lots of food and family. 
This year it was the Olympics and we had are Olympic teams.  Our family was the hippie clan.  We picked this theme because there is LOVE INDA MEADOW.  Peace.....  So each family group picked there own clan theme and decorated there own flags to fit their themes.  We wore Tye dye t'shirts, and some groovy shirts and pieces of material.  It was fun.  The kids played lots of games, the adults could to if they wanted and of course there was lots of visiting. 
The kids spent many hours in the creek, riding on the mule, and playing with cousins they see once a year. We stayed at the ranch from Friday to Monday it was a full weekend.  Lots of great memories! 

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