Monday, September 26, 2011



Growing up riding horses (sometimes) there were occasions that I would get bucked off.
Now getting bucked off can be quit a painful experience. 
Riding along enjoying the scenery and then BAM!  Next thing you know you are flying through the air sailing as if you have wings and then realizing you don't not even a parachute. To your realization your flat on your back, face, butt, head any of those parts or all of those parts.  Soon to realize when you come to, what exactly happened. Now, I have to say that these times are very vivid memorize for me.  Painful in fact.  Tears would flow and everything would start to ache and then the fear would set in.  What if the horse does that again?  So immediately my first response was to never again get on a horse...  Then I would see my Dad and he would say.... Get back on the saddle or get back on the horse.  I would say no, I don't want to, and he would say you have to.....  
My Dad what a smart man 1. knowing if I didn't get back on I might not ever. 2.  If I didn't get back on the horse it would think it was boss.  3.  To be able to overcome fear.  Now, I'm not sure all the reasons he made me get back on but, one thing I do know is that it was for my best interest. 
So, contemplating my last week I came along this picture from a couple of weeks ago.
It reminded me...... When you get bucked off you have to get back on.  You see I feel like I can't do everything and that I am failing at everything.  (OVERWHELMED)  But in reality I might have just got bucked off and I am going to get back on that saddle and not let Satan win.  I know he wants me to feel bad and sad and frustrated and to feel fear. (Oh he really likes that one for me)  Today I am ready to get back on the SADDLE.  Sure, I will get bucked off again, but I have a lot of people cheering for me and I am cheering for myself. Yes, I can do hard things, we all can!! 

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