Friday, September 23, 2011


Oh to be young...
Lost in innocence's..
How precious that time is!

The time passes...

and one day you find yourself overwhelmed.

That has been my week. 

Reality creeps in and some days or weeks seem more overwhelming than others.  Funny, things haven't changed any from the previous week or weeks.  Sometimes your plate just seems full.  Mine feels full of school work that takes most of my day.  I do mine in the morning and then in the afternoon I get to help the kids with an hour or hour and half with theirs.  Breakfast-Dinner-Laundry-Pick up-cleaning-PTA-YW'S-Kids fighting-Teaching kids life lessons-Exercise-Social activities-Planning lessons-FHE-Bills-Bed time routines-More Bills-and did I say HOMEWORK.  I know I shouldn't say anything, there are so many others that are really having huge life lessons.  (I don't have to look that far)!  These seem so silly looking at them but they feel overwhelming to me this week.  I miss Logan and wish he could spend more time with us.....5 years of school working one to two jobs along with that and his church callings and life.  I miss him...  Maybe that's just how it is.  Dad's work there tails off to keep the kids pooping (that's what my Dad used to always say).  I hope all these years of education will pay off.  It's hard to be a mother-wife-teacher-student-visiting teacher-healthy (both body and mind) worker-friend-nurse and the list goes on and on...  

"Don't let so much reality into your life that there's no room left for dreamin"

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