Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Danny Logan Staheli
7 years old

The story begins like this. 
The kids wanted to ride their bikes to school today.  So we did.  We parked the bikes at Grandma's and walked the rest of the way to school.  Olivia and Maddi ran ahead and it was just Danny and I.  We held hands and walked enjoying the morning air.  When we got to the school he asked if I would go in with him.  I said sure I will and we walked in the building.  When you walk in there is a little hallway then you turn left and it is a really long hallway.  We turned to the really long hallway.  I said, "come give me a hug"  he says "HOW EMBARRASSING" takes me around to the little hallway so no one can see us and then he gives me a nice hug.
It's official we have hit the phase when one of our kids are embarrassed by at least one of us parents.  It's me :)  I knew this time would come.  I really thought it would be the oldest child to say it first.  But, if it had to be said first, well he did it in a real cute way. 
I thought to myself our kids are growing up.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha Oh Danny boy! He's so stinkin funny! I can just hear him saying "How embarassing" to you! LOL
