Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Danny Logan Staheli
7 years old

The story begins like this. 
The kids wanted to ride their bikes to school today.  So we did.  We parked the bikes at Grandma's and walked the rest of the way to school.  Olivia and Maddi ran ahead and it was just Danny and I.  We held hands and walked enjoying the morning air.  When we got to the school he asked if I would go in with him.  I said sure I will and we walked in the building.  When you walk in there is a little hallway then you turn left and it is a really long hallway.  We turned to the really long hallway.  I said, "come give me a hug"  he says "HOW EMBARRASSING" takes me around to the little hallway so no one can see us and then he gives me a nice hug.
It's official we have hit the phase when one of our kids are embarrassed by at least one of us parents.  It's me :)  I knew this time would come.  I really thought it would be the oldest child to say it first.  But, if it had to be said first, well he did it in a real cute way. 
I thought to myself our kids are growing up.

Monday, August 29, 2011


oKAY for some dumb reason my cursor is not obeying my command.  It won't let me type under any of the pictures except for this one.  So for today that's just that.  I'm tired today hence all the pictures in bed, and asleep.   So that's my thoughts.  Momma said there would be days like this, and there are.   Logan and I stayed up late the last 4 nights...  No not that.  The first three we watched a t.v. series, and last night...  I was about ready to throw this computer right out the front door.  I thought I had started a computer assignment, instead it ended up being a time test.  Not so sharp of me.  With like 45 problems and if that wasn't bad enough on problem 20 something it locked up and wouldn't let me answer anything..  So of course I really needed Logan's help!!! He did a chat and some blah blah blah and some more blah blah blah and it worked for about 5 more problems.  I was about in tears mind you it was almost midnight and I am a girl who likes her rest and had not had very much the last 3 nights. So he ended up having to chat some more and being delirious I went to bed and he fixed the problem by 2am..........
So the moral to this story is that computers really can push your buttons and drive you to complete craziness. 
Go to bed!!!!!  Every night EARLY, because you don't know the nights you might just have to be up!!!

another Thanks, to a dear sweet Hubby of mine :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


"As you define your goals and plan their achievement, ponder the thought:
LEARN from it
PREPARE for it
LIVE in It." President Monson

As you capture the PRESENT

LIVE in It.
and that my friends is what I'm doing...

I'm taking the moment and really living it...

Taking my thoughts and seeing something new.
Like for instants: Danny here discovering, that big round pipes are really fun and dirty to play in!

Not only looking at what is in the present (sand) but looking at those mountains in the future!

Looking at something new!
I love how intently Danny is watching Logan's every move!

and trying it!
And as you can see Danny did just that.

Olivia going to the Dentist and being brave....
 not knowing what was going to happen to her.

And after the experience she can still give a thumbs up.....

Trying something you haven't sometimes can be lots of work...

but in the end you get this a huge balloon!(and some puffy checks) and a great knowledge that if you put in the hard work you get a reward.  And in this case a fun huge balloon to play with...

I must say that I have learned from my PAST as far as education is concerned. (and hopefully in lots of other areas as well) As far as education I should have embraced it when I had 10 years to do it.  Being alone. Ten years what was I thinking?? or not thinking???
The FUTURE well, I see myself holding an associates followed with a bachelors!
The PRESENT I see that it takes a lot of time, work and dedication.  But, you know what I have found?  That I actually like learning and that my classes are exciting!  Who would think that English would be?  Especially you know how great I speak.  Did you like that sentence? 
So here is to my PRESENT:
English 1010
Communication 1010
Health 1020
CIS 1020

Friday, August 26, 2011

A DREAM.....

My Dad, working on Ez his old truck.
He has spent many, many, hours on this project.
A DREAM that is coming to life.
He started up the engine this week and getting Ez all put together.

Logan has been able to help Dad, and he has enjoyed it!

I especially like how short his overalls are!..  Cute I think!!!
You have to have a project.  It's why you get out of bed in the morning.  To be able to accomplish something is so rewarding.
Thank goodness for Dreams.
Life would be pretty empty without them...
So I say Dream on...........

"Don't let so much reality into your life that there's no room left for dreamin"

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Danny riding free Willy!!
Willy is really hard to ride and yet,  Danny rode him most of the day.
This is at the Randolph Reservoir.

So the kids caught all these frogs and didn't have anything to put them in.  They all eyeballed up my mug that I was drinking some yummy ice water out of.  Doesn't look to yummy to me now.   I think they ended up with 7 frogs this day.  We got some good frog catchers.....

Playing hard on a hot day. (never that hot, in Randolph)

Our Boy!!!

Kirsten and Olivia having a little snack.

This is at the Pit.
Oliver and Kelsey were so nice to take Danny for a canoe ride.

Maud and Dana

The girls loving every minute of it.  That has been a thing they have missed so much not living in St. George, "the swimming."

The Barkers also have this fun water trampling.

This also came out of the pit... This is Adrian and his new pet?

The kids sure do love water.  They are our little fishes!  It makes them happy, tired, and have lots of stories..
I'm glad they have always loved water.  Even as babies they loved the bath tub.  They love putting there head in it, splashing and having lots and lots of fun. 
 Goodbye water.....   It won't be to long and it will be so cold , that you won't want to even dip your toe in it. :{

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Sometimes you just have to believe in yourself, Daddy!" says Maddi

"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers

I have waited for this day....Today our kids all go to school all day.....It may sound a bit selfish.... But I think as a work at home mother sometimes you forget about yourself.
I think that is a good thing? 

I feel so blessed  to been able to be a stay home mom for the last 9 years.  What an awesome experience to beable to watch our kids grow. To beable to see the firsts, the messes, the adventures and discoveries.  The opprotunity of the everday!!!

Some of those days were really really hard!!!!
but, I wouldn't have had it any other way.....

Some of those days it was and still is hard to believe in myself:
Sometimes I sell myself short....

but: "Sometimes you just have to believe in yourself"


Do things that you have thought were impossible


somewhere inside a MIRCLE GROWS....

and with that mircle you discover you.....
This last year I feel as if I have stepped out of the box.  I created, conqured some fears, set goals and accomplished them, read books, painted everything I could, read inspiring blogs...practiced the piano and explored my artistic and creative side.
So, I decided that this year......
Starting today....
I'm an official student at Salt Lake Community College!!!!
Classes started today and I feel blessed I have this opprotunity to get my associates.  With the love, support, and a little or a lot of encouragement from my husband, I know I can do this......
I've decided that I can do hard things.  I can do things I thought I never could.  I can do things that are really really scary.  I can...... I can discover me and continually discover the person I am and the person I am becoming.  I can... and I love it!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Don't look BACK, it's a WRAP

Part two of the fair:
This year we put in these items, and how fun we all got blue ribbons. The picture Maddi made in 2nd grade in Coral Canyon Elementary in a art class. The tractor Danny made for Logan for Christmas 2010.  The little spaghetti bowl and the birds Olivia made in what she calls Harry Pottery. Then there is me.... I made the bowl on the wheel at pottery.  I must say it was a stretch for me, but I did it and it was fun and messy.  Not too bad for my very first pot... 

The kids, Savannah and Annie dressed up like clowns for the parade.  Maddi pulled Olivia in the buggy, Danny and Annie rode their bikes and Savannah roller bladed and helped Maddi, by pushing the buggy.

They had fun and looked cute doing it.  They also Won 2nd place winning $25 dollars! 

They had a 5k and I ran in it....
This is Brooke and I finishing the 3.2 miles we ran....

Crossing the finish line.  I have to say this is something that continually got my butt moving this winter.  I thought about this race often and it helped me stay focused on my goal.. Although the winter was extremely long, and it's hard to get motivated and keep warm, I looked forward to the summer and running in a race.  I  finished with my personal best 39:03. My goal was to beat 45min and to run the whole thing.  YIPPEE I did both.  It was fun and it's nice to feel a sense of accomplishment.  It seems like there are days you don't get that.  Like for instants the dishes are never done, the laundry is never done, cleaning and so on....

Savannah is in the red, she is a little speedster...  There where three groups of people running and Savannah was in the first group.  She for sure has that Peart gene. Fast and long stride running.  It looks so natural for them.

Some of the paparazzi.. Dana and Emma took some pictures and gave encouragement.

I must say it was a great week of fair.  Lots of fun things to do.   I'm glad that the kids got to participate in so many things and loved every minute of them.  However, it is known that after the fair school begins and life changes as we know it.  A reminder not to look back but know that the summer, It's a wrap.