Monday, August 22, 2011


School Starts Today...  It is the first day of school and all my babies are in full day.  Well actually, Olivia starts on Wed, but she had to get her backpack on and go to school with the other two.  It is a bitter sweet thing.  I never thought that I would make it to this point.  Guess what? I did!!!!

I think it is so funny how big the back packs are on a kindergartner.  They soon grow into them.  Although it still looks kinda big on Maddi.

Everybody was happy this morning and ready to go.

Maddi is in 4th grade. This is her teacher Mrs. Weston who by the way had her third baby at the first of this month. All of which are still at home. They are little, I can't remember their ages.  She is pretty amazing.  We are so happy to have her as Maddi's teacher.

Danny is in 2nd grade.  This is his teacher Mrs. Hoffman.  Who by the way was my teacher in third grade.  Mrs. Hoffman has been the Procter (supervises his test for college) for Logan this past year so it's fun that they have got to now each other.  She lives right by my parents.  So I have known her all my life.  I'm excited for Danny....

Olivia is in Kindergarten.  This is her teacher Mrs. Winders.  She has been teaching in Laketown and got to come to Randolph this year because the teacher retired.  Side note her husband Chuck and I were in the same grade. Kinda funny..

Danny and Annie got to choose their desks., and this is what they choose. Another side note.  I had these same desks when I was in elementary.  So I guess I'm not that old after all :] or they are just really durable!!!

Dana starts school today.  She got a job to work in the special ed. department. She works 8 to 12 Mon- Thurs. 
I wish I would have taken one more picture of Danny and the cooks.  We walked by and he knocks on the door that is open and hollers good morning, and just keeps walking.  He did this everyday last year too.  He loves those cooks and guess what? They love him to and look forward to his greeting every morning.  Smart boy he knows who makes the good stuff.
I must say that it is nice to get back on a schedule and to make some new goals.  Are morning went like this 6 am I woke up went jogging got home at 6:45 showered.  Logan already was up and ready.  Kids got up, dressed, hair done,  Book of Mormon Study, ate some breakfast got Logan's lunch ready and out the door we went at 7:45.  School starts at 8.  Logan works at the pharmacy today 9 to 9.  And then tomorrow he goes in for school meetings.  Evanston starts school next Monday and I think he is ready to get back to a class room. 
Logan is going to start Sept 1 going to College through Western Governors.  I'm so excited I think it is a great school for him and hopefully it won't be long until another degree is in his hand.  He has been working so hard on getting an education.  Which is not a easy process.  Especially being a Husband, Dad, working two jobs and doing school.  He is an inspiration to me and I love him.  Thanks for supporting us and working on your and our goals all together.

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