Monday, August 29, 2011


oKAY for some dumb reason my cursor is not obeying my command.  It won't let me type under any of the pictures except for this one.  So for today that's just that.  I'm tired today hence all the pictures in bed, and asleep.   So that's my thoughts.  Momma said there would be days like this, and there are.   Logan and I stayed up late the last 4 nights...  No not that.  The first three we watched a t.v. series, and last night...  I was about ready to throw this computer right out the front door.  I thought I had started a computer assignment, instead it ended up being a time test.  Not so sharp of me.  With like 45 problems and if that wasn't bad enough on problem 20 something it locked up and wouldn't let me answer anything..  So of course I really needed Logan's help!!! He did a chat and some blah blah blah and some more blah blah blah and it worked for about 5 more problems.  I was about in tears mind you it was almost midnight and I am a girl who likes her rest and had not had very much the last 3 nights. So he ended up having to chat some more and being delirious I went to bed and he fixed the problem by 2am..........
So the moral to this story is that computers really can push your buttons and drive you to complete craziness. 
Go to bed!!!!!  Every night EARLY, because you don't know the nights you might just have to be up!!!

another Thanks, to a dear sweet Hubby of mine :)

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