Thursday, August 25, 2011


Danny riding free Willy!!
Willy is really hard to ride and yet,  Danny rode him most of the day.
This is at the Randolph Reservoir.

So the kids caught all these frogs and didn't have anything to put them in.  They all eyeballed up my mug that I was drinking some yummy ice water out of.  Doesn't look to yummy to me now.   I think they ended up with 7 frogs this day.  We got some good frog catchers.....

Playing hard on a hot day. (never that hot, in Randolph)

Our Boy!!!

Kirsten and Olivia having a little snack.

This is at the Pit.
Oliver and Kelsey were so nice to take Danny for a canoe ride.

Maud and Dana

The girls loving every minute of it.  That has been a thing they have missed so much not living in St. George, "the swimming."

The Barkers also have this fun water trampling.

This also came out of the pit... This is Adrian and his new pet?

The kids sure do love water.  They are our little fishes!  It makes them happy, tired, and have lots of stories..
I'm glad they have always loved water.  Even as babies they loved the bath tub.  They love putting there head in it, splashing and having lots and lots of fun. 
 Goodbye water.....   It won't be to long and it will be so cold , that you won't want to even dip your toe in it. :{

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