Sunday, August 21, 2011

Horse Lessons

At horse lessons sometimes
you have to wait your turn.
So while your waiting you can talk about all the summer fun.
This is Haydee and Olivia.

This is Danny riding George.  Yes, he is named after George Peart.

Olivia riding Otis.

Maddi riding Chick.

Danny riding Otis.

Thank goodness for helpers.  I'm not much for helping with the horses.  So Dana and Annie helped Olivia get on George.

This is Bridget our horse trainer and these are her horses.  Bridget has three kids ages 2 to 5.  So she is a busy momma. So thanks to her for sharing her time and talents.

Before you ride the horse you have to walk them around the arena.

And before you saddle them up you have to brush them.( some reason my pictures all got out of order)
the girls riding double.

Clay stayed with the Pearts for a few days and got to come to lessons.  He said it was his second time on a horse.  He did great!!

Maddi and Savannah

Maddi galloping for the first time.  She loved it..
Annie riding.
                                                                              Lessons were great and best of all nobody got hurt.  They all thought it was great.  Danny galloped on George and thought it was a bit rough.  I couldn't stop laughing.  It was a good laugh, one you need everyday.  Bridget's 2 year old is potting training and that was a good laugh too.  She just pulled her pants down squatted and started to poop. Nothing like the good old outdoors, but usually you do this where no one is watching.  So I volunteered for poop duty instead of horse duty.  Many hands make light work;)  Thank goodness for friends and family.  To be able to fill in and help where you can't or don't want to, or don't know. It's awesome to be in the great outdoors...

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