Friday, August 5, 2011

some summer activities

Maddi's new horny toad that her cousin Savannah gave to her.
She feeds him ants and live flies.  She has had him a week and he is still with us. Logan thinks his name should be Harry, but Maddi says her name is Lisa!

This is Danny's Alien ship.  He worked hard on it and had fun with this creation.

Olivia's driving look out and run for your lives.  She really isn't but she sure has a fun time pretending.  Along with her singing.

Logan and Olivia with the rest of the gang in the back already for a drive in the mts.  We like to drive from Randolph to Woodruff on the back roads.  Notice how fresh and clean we are.

Maddi, Annie, Danny and Savannah
and we are off it takes us around a hour to get there.  This time of year there are lots of gates to open and close.  Any guesses who gets that job?  ME

This is after the ride. We ended up at the ranch.  It was so incredible dusty that it was hard to see, breath and really enjoy the experience.

Danny playing in the Woodruff creek. He loved digging in the dirt and building all kinds of things with sticks, rocks, mud and more mud.

Having a water fight.  Nothing quit like it when it's hot and it was really nice to get that dust off.

Making our way to the creek through a meadow.

Earth to Logan is anybody there?  Zing sure likes to ride and have a good ear scratch.
The fun things about summer is that for the most part your carefree.  We play, spend lots of time together, watch movies, jump, play at the ranch, read books, in Maddi's case lots of them and enjoy being outside. It's fun to wake up without a plan and for the day to take you wherever it takes you.  To be so exhausted from work and play that you collapse in a fresh clean bed with the cool summer breeze blowing in and you drift quickly off to dream land.

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